Monday, May 23, 2016


So, this post will be dedicated with all my heart for my bestest ever the most bestest best among the bestest humans in my life, the shittiest 6 homo sapiens that I've known for the past 6 years.

So, here it goes.

I first met them on 21st January, my first day in Zon R1. The first one that I met was Fatin because she ran to me during recess and asked my name and whatnot. And then I met Aisyah and the rest followed by. I met Lala at the bus stop, the one across our school while waiting for the van. I don't really remember about Yana, Anis and Hanim. I guess it just happened like that.

We actually had a row back then, early 2011, few months after we met. To tell you the truth, it was hilarious and pretty stupid. I mean, what do you expect from a 13 years old teenagers anyways.

Through a lot of ups and downs and a lot of fights here and there. Thank God, we're still friends and still stupid. Words can't really describe how much you girls meant to me, but I definitely love you guys more than pizza, and that's a lot. I love you girls, a lot. I'm not kidding. Thank you for being with me through all these years. Though I had been such a bitch and I don't really treat you girls that nice. Seriously, thank you. For accepting me to be in your life. I can't imagine my life without you girls.

There's a lot for me to say to you girls, but I don't really express my feelings that well. I hope you girls know just how precious each and everyone of you girls meant to me. Never more nor never less. Remember we planned to build our house right next together so we can hang out everyday. And we planned to launch our own cafes, salon, boutique and what not. What were we thinking anyways.

Cheers for our 6 years of friendship, and to many more of us!

So, I'll write something for Fatin since she wrote a letter for me hehuheh.

Fatin. Simply because I was stuck with her in SGS.

So Fatin, I read your letter just now and I teared up. Thank you, I don't usually cry, but of course I have soft spot for love letters. So thank you. Thank you for being stuck with me is SGS for 2 years. God, I wasn't even there for you the whole 2 years doh. I was busy with my own life. I was busy with my other friends. I was busy with whatever else that I could busy myself with, and that doesn't really includes you. I mean, you have your own circle of friends, and so do I. We fought a lot. We laugh a lot. We shared a lot of things together. It's weird studying without you. I've spent 5 years in school with you, and things won't be the same anymore in Dengkil. You're not there with me, and that make a huge difference in my life. Stop thinking about that boy. Stop worrying if he likes your friend. Stop worrying about your hints you've been giving him since forever. If he's worth it, your time will come. If he's not, then just wait. I don't want your heart to be broken anymore. Stay focused! I won't be there in Pilah with you. I won't see your ugly sleeping face anymore. And I won't have you to bother me anymore. Please, stay safe and be successful. I love you.

I hope none of you gets married early, please stay a loner like me. Please don't leave me I'm not ready yet. Let's just hope everyone will be successful and start studying seriously and stop worrying about boyfriends. Or whatever shits we've been through. Let's just study for once and please stop bothering my life. I seriously hate you guys.


I don't know how I'm supposed to express my gratitude to you shits for today.

So basically, I asked Fatin to pick me up today to go to JJ. And planned to have lunch in Johnnys because I was craving for some steamboat. And I need to buy hangers and extension wire for my new phase of life in Dengkil. So, basically Fatin told me to get ready around 1.30 right after Zuhur. Which I got ready pretty fast because, I mean, JJ je kot. Nak beli hanger je. Why do I need to dress up and everything. So I grab a long sleeve tshirt, tudung bawal and waited for Fatin. And waited, wait some more. And more waiting. Until it was almost 2.30 and I was pretty fueled up. I'm not that kind of janji melayu kind of people since my parents are very strict about time management and whatever. I was starving to be added up with. And they arrived like finally and said she needed to go to titiwangsa. Which, I just go with the flow. I mean, who cares. I don't. Obviously.

And Fatin kept on going the wrong ways, and she seriously failed parking. It's annoying. And it was hot and I was getting sweaty and sticky. She kept on insisting me and Aisyah to get out and walk with her. Which is very annoying, because it's hot and I'm starving. Soooooo, we walked and I wasn't expecting anything. I was that damn oblivious until Fatin told me and Aisyah to close our eyes. Which was damn obvious they had something planned out and I saw balloons and those assholes who said they had waited for us in Johnnys. I ALMOST TOLD THEM TO ORDER SOMETHING FIRST BECAUSE I WAS DAMN HUNGRY AT THAT POINT.

But, yeah whatever. I love you guys. Thank you. I'm obviously not going to celebrate my birthday in Dengkil. I really hate not celebrating my birthday with you shits. Ah mampus ah tak suka aku nak berkasih sayang dengan korang. Sudahlah aku tampal gambar korang dekat meja study tu kira sweet lah tu apa lagi korang nak. Thanks okay thanks. I like the present.

Thanks Lala ingat what I wanted from Typo. I've been eyeing that cushion ever since Typo had it because it's pretty. Thanks.

anyways, shoutout to Amie and her boyfriend for being there too! YAY. mom and dad. huhehuheh

I'm almost 18.

Friday, May 20, 2016


So, basically I'm going to UiTM in less than a week which freaks me out every second of my life ever since I got the news.

Although I was actually hoping for UM, but of course I didn't get it. Duh. But, worry not my friends. There's a bunch of people that I know going to UiTM which is a big relieve. Sooooo thankful I have them with me or else I might end up crying alone in the toilet.

The thing is, the result was out on 16th May, and we're supposed to register on the 25th? That short period of time for all the preparation and documents to be print out and just everything. Which was the main cause of my anxiety the past few days. I feel very old not to buy school uniforms anymore. I went to the bank yesterday without my mom, yay me! I can survive on my own now. But of course I had to call Fatin and Anis to drive me there. Thanks, you guys the real mvp.

 Well, I had all documents ready and I'll just have to buy few things. I need to buy new baju kurung and jubah because I've been wearing the same baju kurung for 2 years and I need new ones. Also, I need to add up my collection of tudung bawal and shawls because, why not? Shoes are the a big deal, I just need to wash the old ones and it'll look brand new, no money needed! But I already bought 3 baju kurung with Fatin the other day, right after we got the result, told Anis to drive *again* to AEON Big, the fun part was when the car suddenly died, thank God we already parked! Turned out the car was overheated, thus the panic attack everyone got. So we calmed down and went upstairs to shop and bought some mineral water for Anis's baby. Here's an advice, when your driving instructor explains about the engines and stuff, listen. Or you'll end up like us. Who didn't know which one was the part for the water. A few calls here and there. Everything went well. Kudos again, girls.

Now, my main concern the how many pairs of baju kurung, jubah, jeans, blouse, tshirts do I need to bring? If you ask me how much I brought during my days in SGS, well not many since I use them few times before throwing them in the laundry basket. I might be a bit insecure about my looks since it's not a girl school anymore. And I keep thinking about the size of the locker. Will my clothes fit in there? Should I bring less or more? Should I be cool with it and just bring a few? Or should I just be Qee who would throw everything in the luggage and think about it later on?

Oh, and I bought new comforter just now and it's pink. Kudos Qee! You're finally out of the black emo life you had back than. I even have pink handbag and pink backpack. Isn't life just lovely? I bought pink files too. I think something is wrong with me.

Oh oh! I renewed my IC! Finally! I'm not that ugly fetus anymore. I look decent, almost decent? Well, not that bad. And the passport photos turn out veeeeery well, I'm so happy!

Just kidding, still fetus. 

a very decent photo of me which I reaaaally love this one! the most decent out of all the other passport photos I had before. My chin finally made a comeback after all these years hiding behind my fats. Thank you!

the very excited Qee had jotted down a checklist. 

bought new notebooks from Typo. It's been awhile since the last purchase.

So I told myself, the bottle I had before, the Hello Kitty bottle that I got as a present, was too big and too cartoon-like. But look what I got, very matured choice Qee. Wow, much proud, such matured. The thing is, I had my eyes on the black bottle but I find it too simple for my liking so I took this cute one. Yay Qee!

Thus, that's the end of Qee's rant on whatever Qee wanted to rant about. I'm so excited and nervous for the new phase of life. To come and think about it I can't sleep in the classroom anymore because OMG there's boys. OMG.

Okay, bye.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


So I was reading this book when I came across this well written thoughts of Aiman Azlan about changes. Which, I will share with you guys.
((yes, I'll just type out each and every sentence from the page because I want to))

Aside from sharing this with you guys, I want to write something in general for myself, for me to look at when something goes wrong and for me to keep in track of my doings in dunya. Thus, keep in mind I'm not good in words, especially in these field of topic.

okay here it goes.

Do you know why bad things always happen here and there? Although it is not necessarily as a result of our doing, it could be because of what we have done so far. In particular, it could be because of we do not want to change!

Allah has said in His Book so that we realize and take warning:

"Whatever misfortune that happens to you, is because of the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grants forgiveness."
(Surah asy-Syura: 30)

He also said: 

"Whatever good, (o man!) happens to thee, is from Allah. But whatever evil happens to thee is from thy (own) soul. And we have sent thee as an apostle to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah for a witness." 
(Surah an-Nisa': 79)

So as for the conclusion for this, change.

Allah can change you but first, you have to change yourself.

"For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: They guard Him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah change the condition of people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment, there can be no turning back, nor will they find, besides him, any to protect."
(Surah ar-Ra'd: 11)

after a few flips of page then I came across another one.

When we own this feeling of servitude at heart, we will understand that we are in need of "tests" for us to remember Allah and reflect. 

We need to really feel that Allah is the only one that needs to be worshiped and associating partners with Him is prohibited.

When we want help, ask Allah. Don't ask other than Allah. Allah says in the Quran:

"And when My servants ask you, (O Muhammad), concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me (through obedience) and believe in Me that they may be (rightly) guided."
(Surah al-Baqarah: 186)

Another conclusion: rest thy heart.

Prayer is du'a. Du'a is zikir. So then, prayer is zikir. Yes, these are the four things we need to do in order for us to get the peace of heart each and every time hardship comes. Pest your heart is a form of zikr. Do this first before complaining why you don't feel anything when you do zikr. 

Anyways, go grab this book because I like it a lot. I mean, it's a fun read as well as a good read, spiritually. 

Okay, that's all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Ola. Ni Hao.

I just got back from Melaka with bunch of monkey in human disguise. I am so tired and acah jet lag because our sleeping schedule was very messed up. Thanks everyone. Lots of love from Qee.

So anyway, we finally got the chance to go on vacation with the five of us after a lot of postpones and change of plans. It all started when I saw a post regarding Pulau Rawa and I said why not we go there after SPM? After a lot of research and everything. Pulau Rawa is quite far from the city and since none of us has driving license, thus, the change of plan.

I, personally, chose Penang, because the amount of food you can get, which is very important for me. The beauty of architecture, because why not? The adventure place, I don't remember the name of that thing. And, most importantly we can get there by erl. No traffic jams whatsoever. So yay!

But, my suggestion got rejected. ouch. wow. fambam. I thought you guys love me? ouch.

Then, Syikin got the brochure for A Famosa, they were having this promotion for apartment including the entrance tickets I guess, so everyone was like yeah okay let's go to Melaka. Yay so fun! After a long decision of what's there to eat. How are we supposed to go out and eat? Does anyone have driving license yet? Who's bringing car there? Bus? Taxi? How?

Another change of plan, so finally. Like seriously, finally! We finally decided lets just go to Melaka, but not to A Famosa, just like the city, the town. Get a hotel there and we can just walk around to get food. Thus,

Reasons I got bankrupt the past few days. I bought starbucks for them. So much money, what was I thinking anyway. But it's okay, anything for ma humans. Anyway I got free starbucks card. Yay!

Syaf's photography skills. yazzzzzzz. Our hotel was like 2 blocks away from Menara Taming Sari. So yeah, it's was not a big deal looking for food. It's everywhere.

When to Karaoke since our movie was at 9.30 and we have like 3 hours before the movie so yeah. That happened.

We watched AADC because Syikin insisted on watching and everyone just go with the flow. Syaf literally slept next to me and I was half asleep and bored. AADC is not my kind of movie.

It's a white kind of day. It wasn't really planned though. I guess it was Sarah of Syaf asked me what I'm wearing tomorrow, the night before, and I told them I'll wear white and someone told me she's going to wear white too, and basically the next morning everyone was wearing white except for Afiah. Wasn't surprising, she's always the different one. So she bought a white shirt *the desperation of being accepted in one team* and tadaa! #whiteteam #gohardorgohome #verycute #ihatewearingwhite #butmelakaistoohotformyfavcolor #blackinsideout

Had a very loooong walk and it was burning hot. Thus the face. Syikin was literally giving up on us. But she's the tourist guide. Who told you to suggest Melaka. It's your fault. Melaka is hot. I don't like it.But I'm okay.

I was very depressed with these sticks. I mean look at those legs. Are those even legs? Are those sticks? Can you guys gain more weight? I might break your sticks because I'm too fat compared to you walking sticks. 

Syikin: "Buat muka fierce, buat muka fierce"
Qee:      "Hah, tapi I don't do fierce. Wait what, macam mana how fierce should I be"
Qee; I... don't.... do... fierce... I'm very kind 

So hi guys, I'm the kind human being who doesn't know how to look fierce because why do you need to look fierce I mean, I'm cute. 

Because everyone need a shade, Melaka is hot. My eyes were burning. Thank god I didn't wear contact lens or it will melt in my eyes and I'll be blind.

We watched Summer Camp because there's nothing else to do. And if you have weak heart don't watch it. I mean, I sat with Sarah and we were like this all the time. But Sarah screams a lot and I think I might loss my hearing though.

Late night activity ft. aching legs.

Night walks with bunch of happiness is all that I ever wanted.

The best part of that night was probably eating nuggets in McD because life is good, well, it was good until Syaf spilled Coke on my jeans and I got very soaked and Sarah was jumping on the chair, Fea was screaming and Syikin was just .jpg kind of person. I was cold and drenched and yelling at Syaf and laughing. Then we went back to the hotel and I got changed, Syikin took a bath and we went out again although it was already 12 when we got back.

We rented bicycle, me and Afiah together. Syikin, Syaf and Sarah on another bicycle for three. It was fun, but I was never good with directions and neither does Fea. So we got lost, we didn't know how to go back to the bicycle rental place so we went around until 1.15 in the morning! Does that even makes sense to you? I almost lost my life because there's this one clown was going back after work I guess, and he hasn't wipe off his makeup or take off his hair or even that annoying red nose and he was driving beside us. I mean, come on, who wouldn't be terrified if a clown popped out in the middle of the night, that's absurd! But luckily we found a group of girls who was riding the bicycle and ask them for direction. Kudos! Found the place and we just walk around and around and more rounds until we were tired and got back around 2.30. Took turn for shower and I slept at 4.30. Woke up at 6.30 for Subuh and slept again and woke up again at 9.00 for no reason and I was very koyak rabak once again.

Syikin was supposed to treat us for breakfast because we made a deal, anyone who sleep the earliest will pay for breakfast. But since Syikin knew for sure she'll be the first, she changed it to, anyone who woke up the last will pay for breakfast instead. Which doesn't really make any big deal because she's always the one sleeping the earliest and waking up the last. But she need to rush home thus, we were left behind for brunch.

While I was unpacking I found this in my bag. Sarah gave this to me. I think she loves me a lot. That's why.

Anyways, I really wanted to go to vacation with everyone and I like going out with you people. So let's plan ahead for the next one!

Thursday, May 5, 2016


So this post is dedicated for the Lush Oppa. Thought that I would move on once I've stepped into my room. Lies. I keep having thoughts of him especially when I was unpacking and I saw the Lush product that I bought for Kida. Smells so much like Lush and it just stabbed my heart, deep cut seriously. I mean, move on, Qee. He's nothing.

So for you curious human beings. Very curious about that Lush guy now aren't we?

The first one to hear my rant of madness about this Lush guy is none other than Kida, the one yang kirim something from Lush. Thank you Kida, I wouldn't be experiencing this pain if it's not for you.
Then I told Ira, I literally rant about everything and anything I could think of. Thanks Ira. Then I told Hanis, the one I keep on updating about my life in Korea. Thanks you three are the mvp.

So basically, it started out as we were on the bus on our way to our restaurant in Itaewon when I found Lush by the street. So I told my mom I want to go there, and she said, yeah whatever you want kid. See, the excitement. I wonder where I got my snappy attitude from. So anyway, our tourist guide keep on insisting us to remember Itaewon Bomba as our meeting point. It's cute, I mean she's Korean and she tried to speak in Malay in cutest courtesy ever.

Walked with mom along the looooong almost never ending street of Itaewon because apparently mom wanted to buy cute socks. Thus, the long journey through ups and down hills to find a good shop that sells cute socks with cheap price. Anyway, that's not the whole point of my story right now.

I found Lush signboard like miles ahead of where I was, I almost gave up though. I mean, why am I going to walk that far for Kida? But, for you Kida, I did walk that far for Lush.

I got inside with this loopy loop heart. I was nervous and had butterflies in stomach.

I was wondering how to start conversation with the salesperson here. Do I need to say annyeonghaseyo? Or should I just say hi? I kept on fidgeting around the entrance when this beautiful creature came to me, gave me angelic smile, with that perfectly sculptured face. I know by then, damn this guy is a bae.

"Hey, how may I help you, miss?"

OMG! He speaks English so fluently?!? OMG? WHY? WHO? NUGU? OEDI? WAEYO? OTTOKE?

I was awestruck I mean. OMG! Good looking Korean dude can speak fluent English and another plus point is he smells good? omg? excuse me? I'm so happy? omg? I need help? Call 911? Emergency room? Mom? I want to marry him?

Yes, that much of emotion from one encounter with that one person. Damn it, Qee.

So, I told him I'm looking for a gift for my friend. None other than, Khaleeda Kharil. So he asked me what would my friend like. and I was like, 'what would Kida like? lip scrub? hand scrub? shampoo? bath bomb? what am i going to buy?' so, I just simply shrugged and I ask his recommendation. Then he took me to the hand scrub section. Which btw, smells soooooo gooooooood. He held one of the scrub and told me to try and smell it, it's his favourite as he told me. So basically it really do smell good, wow dude, you have great sense of smell. I like you.

Okay so here's the best part, the said I could try the scrub. At first I was like, what? try it? how?  and he literally took my right and and just simply apply the moisturizer and then took a scoop of hand scrub and apply it on my hand. such gentle touch. such delicate. such warm. I was literally hiding my hands in my varsity pocket because it was cold. But his touch is so warm? I'm so??? confused??? So anyway, I thought of taking his picture with my left hand when he ask for my left hand to try the other scrub. And I, Nurul Asyiqin, having no other thought I just held out my left hand to him and let him do whatever he wants? I'm so sinful? OMG.

Then my mom went inside and saw my precious moment with that Lush guy, and mom just smiled at me. I mean mom, did you just approved him? mom?

"you have soft hand"

i know bro, i heard that a lot but hearing that from you just made me almost weeping on the floor bro. control bro pls bro.

"are you from Malaysia? "yes, how'd you know?" "I heard you talking with your mom, sounds Malaysian enough for me." *cheeky smile*

Got some small chit chats with him while waiting for the scrub to harden, I just wished it never harden and just stays like that. But, it harden in like 5 minutes or so. He took me to the sink and rinse it of for me. I will repeat it again, such delicate touch. such warmth that he gave. such beautiful sight to witness.

but sadly, that's just how my love story ended. I told him I'll get the curly wurly shampoo and he took it, ask me if there's anything else. Which I replied with a short "no". Took the shampoo to the counter and pack it for me. And that's just it. Now I realized how much damage one sided love gives to a person. The pain of remembering. The pain of trying to forget.

But I just hope, one day, we'll see each other again. I like you a lot, Lush Guy.

Sincerely, the one wearing grey varsity and dark green shawl.

how have you been?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Annyeong Chingu! Lol, ew sorry. I just got back from Korea.

So basically I won't be writing much I'll just post my non existing photography skill photos here.

 Took this on the flight. Never knew I could ever witness this beautiful sight. Btw, I didn't slept the whole 6 hours and 30 minutes flight. When I arrived at Korea I was really koyak rabak. We arrived at 6.30AM KST, I watched 3 movies in the flight at 3 meals and still couldn't sleep. Saying it's jet lag is total bullshit with only 1 hour difference. Anyways, sunrise.

 The first destination was Nami Island. The place for filming of Winter Sonata. The weather was perfect. The same as being in Bilik Frozen. I got on the same boat as Got7 did the other day they went there. Thus, the very overwhelmed feeling, overjoyed, tears of happiness of the fact being in Nami Island which they were there few weeks before. Yes, I am very obsessive like that, I'm 18 and I need help. I know. Yada yada bro wtv.

 Just thought that it look cool? I don't even know.

 So I was strolling around the Children Library in Nami Island when I saw this "Sepi Tanpa Buku" and I was like, oh finally something that I understand without any struggle! The joy!

So this is the holy grail lunch box. Do-si-rak. As they call it. Nothing special but I was starving so it taste gooooood. It is served in the lunch box and they'll give up hand gloves because it's freaking hot and you'll have to shake it shake it for me everybody! shake it. and thus the photo above explained how it's supposed to look like after being shaken.

This is one of the lanes in Nami Island. Pretty sight, indeed. There's soooo many human beings there. It was a fun walk.

 Rode segway or wtv you call it as, I don't really care, in Nami Island. I cost 10,000 won per 30 minutes, which is RM35. I have no idea but I just paid without thinking much. It was fun, though the way up to the hills was painful because it just wouldn't go up those steep path. But it was worth it.

This was dinner. I've always seen this on TV so, being the very easily amused as I am. I was indeed, amused and overjoyed, yet again. Nothing much though. Just grilled chicken, mushroom and rice cake with rice and lettuce wraps. Also, kimchi and soy bean paste and garlic aaaaaand green pepper. This serving is for 4 person. Thus, I was hungry at night and at maggi. Life is good.

The best thing about the hotel we stayed in was there's a lot of cafes and even Olive Young! Its basically a pharmacy but with tons of makeups! The grande size of Green Tea Cream was 6800 won, which is approximately RM21 or something. The darn tax is soooo expensive. But anyway I went to starbucks with Kak Lin, Kak Anem and Kak Zu. I hung out with bunch of ladies because apparently I am the youngest in the tour group. Yay 18 year old Qee!


This is Everland. And that high structure is the holy grail in Everland, T Express. I waited for 2 hours for the ride and it was worth it. I almost lost my soul. Apparently, its built out of woods and thus the scary shit sound it made. During the ride, istg I saw hair clips and lipstick flying right beside me. What a waste of a good lipstick, ouch. Bough an ice-cream which cost 2800 won, around RM10. yes, for a damn ice-cream cone. And the best part was that we didn't finished the ice cream because suddenly, like seriously all of the sudden, we were on the entrance like omg we were back there behind the long queue awhile ago? WHAT A WASTE OF A PERFECT CHOCOLATE ICECREAM AND MY RM10!!! but the queue inside was loopy loop. Thus the 2 hours of wait.

It was spring in Korean and it was just beautiful!

 Bought this at the gedegang and it cost 1000 won. Pineapple fanta. Damn good.

Islam is not the biggest population religion in Korea so it was hard to see any mosque around there and almost not that possible to find halal food. Those mouth watering food sold on the sidewalks isn't guaranteed halal. Thus, the starve. But, there's a lot of halal restaurant in Itaewon and there's the Itaewon mosque as seen above.

 Speaking about Itaewon, I fell in love with the guy there. He works in Lush, he's damn good looking and he speaks fluent English, which is the plus point for him! This is Itaewon street. And that's Auntie Balkis and Uncle Aminuddin. Hola!

This is the famous Banana Milk, ba-na-na u-yu. Sooooo gooooood and you can find it everywhere in Korea! So hard to find this in Malaysia. I am very sad.


 This is one of palace, which name I don't remember. It's amusing how they treasure their old palace and such. What about Malaysia?

Just thought the roof design is magnificent. I mean, look at this?!

 The long awaited Seafood Kimchi Stew that I've been watching throught screen all this while. I seriously have no idea why they like it a lot? Maybe the fact that I am very Malay inside and out. Thus, the love for nasi lemak and masak lemak cili padi. I mean, it taste too fishy and too kimchi. I got sick of kimchi on the 3rd day because they served it on each meal. I mean, come on Korean People! Have some variety in life.

 Tried out the hanbok and I look like a pregnant whale, as if looking like a whale is not enough. I mean, it's very kembang and made me look very very kembang. Thank God being Malay we wear baju kurung. At least I don't look that kembang in baju kurung.

 They took us to this cosmetic shop and I was seriously losing it. But then I realized I don't have that much money so I was calmed for a bit. I mean look at those lipsticks. Soooooo many colors! But it cost a lot. It cost me a life. So didn't buy any lipsticks because I prefer spending RM30 for NYX lipsticks than these almost RM100 shits. But, believe me. It was paradise and hell all in one. And there's this one cute salesgirl who assisted me there. We had trouble communicating because I don't speak Korean, and she doesn't speak English. But it was okay. Spoke some basic Korean that I know and she was beyond happy that I speak her language. She picked out the best facial wash and face mask for my skin type and I'm just blessed to encounter such amazing person while being there.
Oh, but she called me "unnie", I am obviously younger than her though.

 There's a lot of Gong Cha in Korea and I was like eyyyyy, Gong Cha!  And mom couldn't stop with her "Go inside and make me some drinks, gong cha girl" Adoi mak, why

 This was in Namsam Tower. We had to hike the hill to get the best view. I am very unfit. I love life. But the view is just amazing and the weather is perfect!

 The long journey to the top. It was very calming with the greens around and the beautiful blooming flowers.

 You have no idea the struggle I had to take this picture. I was almost lying down. Not lying. But it was worth it.

 I nak teropong jalan ke hati you. uhuhuhu. This is the famous place for Malay drama that shoots in Korea, the lock place. I don't know what it's called. There's a lot of locks around here

The view from observatory deck. Damn Seoul.

I am indeed, the cutest. 

 The Joongki fever is definitely spreading around the whole Korea. I mean, there's a lot of these standee everywhere. But this one is in Myeondeong. Didn't met any korean idol but I have a picture with a standee. It's ok.

I only stopped by here to buy things for my friends. I swear I was losing it. I mean, I almost buy GOT7 merch, but I held myself well. Congratulations!

And there probably it. I mean, there's a lot more. But this is long enough for today.
The next time I'm going to Korea, I'll be going with my friends, especially Hanis, Turtle, Sazzie and Ira. Because, why not. We'll definitely spend a night in front of JYP, YG, SM, BigHit. what else? 

Okay, toddles.