Friday, December 21, 2012


Assalamualaikum ^^

Yaa, saya sedar dah berbulan tak update blog ni. Ah, tapi theme lawa kannnn? Terima kasih *lap peluh*
Apa itu #TeamInspiritGila? #TeamInspiritGila ialah nama Inspirits Malaysia yang sesungguhnya terlebih gila yang mempunyai kegilaan yang tiada tandingan sehingga membuat saya terlebih gila. Hara Unnie /yang dapat dekan baru-baru ni/ menyedari selipar suaminya, Myungsoo yang tertinggal dalam MV She's Back Jap. Ver. yang kemudiannya dksertai oleh Inspirits yang lain. Group ni secara rasminya ditubuhkan di facebook pada, 29 Julai. CEO team ini, yang juga dikenali sebagai Ayahanda, baru sahaja menulis Sejarah #TeamInspiritGila /tepuk tangan/

Okay, aku sebenarnya baru lah juga join team ni. Seronok, buka facebook notification sesungguhnya penuh. Terima kasih ;_; Tetapi, malangnya kepada saya, aku selalu rasa terpinggir dalam group. Orz. I mean, yelah, diorang aktif petang, which is pretty much masa aku ada class, dan juga malam, which is my time to do mini revisions, read novels, eatch tv. So, biasanya bila aku nak comment something, aku fikir 7777777 kali. Kenapa? Aku tak boleh relate. Huuuuu sedih /lap hingus/ Even nak post pun fikir panjang.
Aku jealous je tengok newbie yang lain seronok post, comment. Wahhh, kenapa? Kenapa aku terpinggir? Korang nak aku bunuh diri ke apa? orz. sedih tak terhingga. Takpa lah, next year bukannya aku boleh online pun, PMR lah katanya.

Aapa-apa pun, #TeamInspiritGila ni macam family aku sendiri. Ada moyang, nenek, abang, kakak dan adik. Bila aku takda mood, baca comment diorang boleh buat aku okay. Nyeh, nama pun gila, nak buat macam mana? Aku harap, aku boleh relate dengan post-post korang lepas ni ;_;

Ah, aku nak beli Infinite's 2013 Calendar. Oh and, 22nd ni ada Kpop Bizzare dekat Ampang. Jom lah bersama-sama. Guys, #TeamInspiritGila, if you're reading this, I love you. If you aren't reading this, which is pretty much obvious, I'll send my flying kiss while you're asleep. :*

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Even if I do have problems, who do I share them with? Should I call someone and tell them? What if theyre busy? What if they don't even give a fuck about my problems? What if they have their own big problems to solve? Can I talk to my family? Relatives maybe? But how do I start? Most important, to whom?

Of course I could call Ally, Kina, Wan or even my precious The Seven. But then, how do I start? How do I tell? After all these thinking that I did, I'm left with no choice, just act like nothing happened. Act as if nothing or no one hurt my feelings.

But then, here's the actual thing, I have trust issues. I don't know who to trust. My past, thought me not to trust anyone. There's once, I trusted that person so much, I swear I told him everything, and well yeah, he's a jerk. He told his friends about what I told him. It sucks okay.

Anyhow, I have my seven precious girls. Even how down I am in the morning, they make it bright for me. Cheering each of us, hearing each of us' rant on craps, random, love, hate. Planning on building a villa consisting 7 bungalows with a pool, a club, a spa. That's... kind of... weird... But whatever it is, I'm blessed having you guys. Much love :*

But anyway, thanks Aisyah, for being my late night whatsapp-er, hearing me nag about everything, some random craps that I said when I'm bored, how much I cursed when I'm pissed.

And to whoever you are, you took me granted. And hell-o I don't care about you, I'm pissed and I hate you, with all my dearly heart. Thank you :)

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hello and Assalamualaikum guys.

Its been like 3 months since I last updated right? I'm really sorry. But nowadays, Blogger seems quite boring and Twitter and Tumblr are hella fun.

So um, here the thing. My birthday was, nothing special. Didn't really celebrated it tho. sedlaif, I know. But my brother's wedding was a round of applaud. Mom and Dad had really arrange it well. I'm glad that it went flawlessly. Now, my brother is a married man. I can't really believe it, I mean, he's still my dorky brother after all.

aaaaaaaandddd, the next thing is. I've got my Believe Album. omg yeayerz! its purrrfect! I didn't go to MTV Worldstage tho, I ended up being on my class, studying like ergh, nevermind. other than that, BEAST's comeback was DAHBOOM. I've been waiting like 1 years, its worth the wait okay. Junhyung still looks hot with that purple hair. My baby know me so well, he dyed his hair purple because it is my favorite color *flips hair*

oh oh and. It's not that late to say this. so here it is, bersyukur kehadrat Illahi kerana memanjangkan umur kita semua untuk merasai nikmat bulan Ramadhan pada tahun ini. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, maaf zahir batin :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Its been alwhile since my last update. I'm busy with stuffs.. okay, not really, I'm just too lazy to update. I'm pretty much active on twitter, follow me on @syqnrsli.

So, its 13th May, its mother's day for sure. Okay, to be honest I didn't prepare anything, yet. I think I'm going to buy something later, maybe a duo present. One for Mother's Day and another one for mom's upcoming birthday. I've got alot to say for mom. But, somehow I'm too shy to say iy aloud. So, here it is,

Mom, I might not be the smartest even the most beautiful kid. Maybe not even what you thought I would be. I might not be the good girl type, to be honest, I lied on practically most of things.

I know, sometimes, I hurt your feelings by accident. I don't have good grades for you to be proud of. I may not be the best cook, or baker. Sometimes, I make some stupid jokes, weirdest pickup line, cheesy saying. You just laught. You took care of us when we are sick. Being all panic when something happened to us.

But Mom, you're the best. Thanks for all the care and love you give. Not to mention the meals, and the time I got nervous, uneasy with something, when I forget to tell you how I feel. I'm a little high on sometimes,it's just because I'm young. Mom, I adore you.

Mommy, Siti Marhamah Sheikh Omar, I, by the name Nurul Asyiqjn Rusli, would like to wish Happy Mother's Day and Happy Upcoming Birthday. I love you, to infinity and love.

Lots of Love,

your cutest, one and only princess ♥

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Friday, February 17, 2012


hey darls, its been awhile since my last update. i'm pretty much busy with things, and i can't use my laptop frequently.

even how much problems we have, life must go on, because thats how it roll. we'll lost, then found new people, new stuff, new opportunity .

baru-baru ni my aunt telah kembali ke rahmatullah, she'd been in coma for two days i guess, cause her blood vein i don't know how, but dia macam mengembang then pecah. its a shock on her lost, since she seems healthy enough. tapi, ajal maut di tangan tuhan kan. manalah kita tau, even kita sihat mana pun, Allah boleh tarik nikmatt yang Dia bagi tu bilabila masa je. but then, Allah sayangkan dia lebih, biarlah dia bahagia di alam sana right?

okay, so school had been great. seriously, cikgu for this year semua awesome. we got Cikgu Hamiha, Cikgu Nik, Teacher Irni.. and of course Teacher Azleen. but then, ramai cikgu complain, our class is a boarding class, Bestari, but we didn't reach that point, tahap yang cikgu harapkan. well, bukan senang nak dapat masuk kelas kawalan, and bukan senang nak maintain our prestasi. its not only parents put on high expectation on us, infect, the whole school. tapi nak buat acanoo, lumrah hidup.

so, haritu syiqin pergi training netball, sadly tak dapat. takpelah, baik duduk rumah baca buku. ada jugak faedahnya. menipulah kalau syiqin kata syiqin tak kecewa. of course kecewa sangat, since last year training. uhhh, takde nasib. nak buat acanooo? then masa ingat nak masuk competition rocket, but tarik diri . first, sebab takde masa nak buat. second, dah boleh agak either luqman&adam or umar&jerald yang menang, third, bukan reti sanggat buat. okay, then tadi masa PJK Cikgu Nik ajar cara nak pass baton(?) tu. which is, takdelah penat sangat, unlike nak kena pusing satu padang sekolah. then cikgu kata, so exam PJK, buat dekat padang. markah based on berapa pusingan larian dekat padang yang kita boleh buat. okayyy, syiqin memang dah macam takde harapan nak dapat A or even B, sebab satu pusingan pun dah macam asdfghjkl.
berrrrrrr -.-

so um ya knowww. i won't be updating my blog macam tahun lepas. coz this year super hectic. so toddles

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


assalamualaikum guys. dah lama tak update blog ni. sorry leww, banyak kerja, and stuffs.
so umm, before that. belum terlambat nak wish Happy Chinese New Year. okay, so now Syiqin tengah cuti. YAY /lompatlompat/ actually, bosan cuti lamalama, bukan apa, homework bergunung padahal seminggu je pun cutinya. ergh, nevermind, this Friday pergi Kelantan with family and cousins. yeapp, saya tak excited, dekat Kelantan nanti setakatt pergi pasar, tengok batik semua bagai. bosan k bosan. kalau pergi Singapore lagi macam weewuu. semangat lah sikit. boleh jugak shopping lagi and jumpa tweetfriends kankankan?

okay, title post harini 'Life is A Challenge'. of course it is. Life is a challenge where we have dramas, fights, tears, joy, sorrowful goodbyes and stuffs. admit it, almost semua orang pernah terfikir nak commit suicide right? tapi bila kita fikir balik, Allah dah bagi kita pelung untuk penah bernafas dekat muka bumi ni, kita pulak yang tak menghargai, kita pulak yang nak bunuh diri ni. k, tak payah cerita pasal this commit suicide stuff.

as we grow up, kita makin banyak masalah. but thats life kan? next year Syiqin ambik PMR, ramai macam 'lekk ahh, next year lambat lagi, buat apa nak semangat sangat' bila fikir balik, memang lambat lagi, tapi kalau kita still buat tak tahu, tak buat preparation, next tibatiba nak start study 24/7 tak ke otak kita rasa terkejut about this sudden actions? so, mulai sekarang Syiqin start buat ulangkaji.... oh i meant, WILL. sekarang ni otak still in holiday mode. sorry.

ohh and, cerita pasal tweetfriends. twitter is the new phenomena. which I'm currently addicted. like 24/7 twitter is a MUST. and aside from that, since ada twitter, i have no life. like semua benda tweettweet. but thats not boredom, at all. dekat twitter lah kita nak complain, nak luahkan perasaan and importantly, make new friends. Syiqin pun adalah jugak tweetfriends. tapi tak ramai, sebab Syiqin bukan twitpemes. hewhew, tapi at least, ada lah jugak yang ambil berat pasal Syiqin. kankan? and please, i tweet to express, not to impress you guys ^^

and, somehow, sekarang ni semua orang macam desperate nak ada girlfie or boyfie. status dekat facebook semua macam 'hey guys, nak awek sorang boleh? umur antara 12-16. tak kesah lah comel ke tak. i nak gf ni'
like seriously? whats wrong with you? peneman hidup ni Allah dah tentukan. and Syiqin terbaca something tweet, 'Allah sudah tentukan teman hidup kita sejak kita berusia 4 bulan dalam kandungan lagi' so guys, seriously, jangan nak desperate sangat okayy?

and, life without some misunderstandings, fights. macam weird sikit. kita semua mesti pernah at least gaduh sekali. well, Syiqin lain lah. macam every week ada je orang yang Syiqin rasa macam nak sepaksepak. normal lah tu. lagipun, hormones .__. kadangkadang benda simple pun jadi besar. semua ni sebab tahap kematangan kita. kalau kita ni matang, bendabenda kecil kita tak pandang pun. but vice versa lah kan. and erm, Syiqin taknak gaduh dengan sesiapa pun this year. but nak buat macam mana, hati remaja mudah memberontak. so yeahh. and Syiqin pernah terfikir, kenapa Syiqin marah orang yang copycatters ni? well, easy, i hate them. tak kisah lah dia kawan ke apa, kalau dia tu lawan lagi lah kutuk tak ingat dunia. haihh, teruknya . but this year, i'm really determined, JANGAN GADUH .

rasanya dah type panjang ni. so umm, toddles babes <3

oii, janganlah masukkan aku dalam community korang tu. tak mauu tak mauu. tak minat nak join dah. cukup lah sekali. clear?

Friday, January 13, 2012


okayy haiiii semua ! assalamualaikum :)
sorry lama tak update, saya tak guna laptop sekarang ni. saya kan budak sekolah yang bercita-cita tinggi, hewhew. okay first of all, first day sekolah was.... okay, i guess. but i seriously feel like crying. okay whatever, so macam biasa ah, first sekolah cikgu pun bagi ucapan yang berjela-jela. like, urghhh! Pengetua tanya apa niat awak nak pergi sekolah, and i was like 'penuhkan kedatangan, jumpa kawan fullstop'. k papejelahh. cikgu for this year is awesome ! got Teacher Irni for English, which is really cool. Cikgu Nik Rozaimah for PJK, weewuu! oh and Cikgu Koki for Sejarah. and lain just sama je, i guess, jap lupa ._.

ahh, anyway this year Syiqin duduk with Lala. which is the definition of awesome. we sang I Am The Best like all day long. and sing other songs too. umm, i guess i've pretty much changed this year. i'm not as hyper as i usually was. well, thats just... weird. i guess. mana pergi syiqin yang dulu? mana weh? asal syiqin yang sekarang lain? seriously, why? i miss the old me. i seriously do. but anyways. i don't have much stories to be share. so toddles :)