Friday, August 17, 2012


Hello and Assalamualaikum guys.

Its been like 3 months since I last updated right? I'm really sorry. But nowadays, Blogger seems quite boring and Twitter and Tumblr are hella fun.

So um, here the thing. My birthday was, nothing special. Didn't really celebrated it tho. sedlaif, I know. But my brother's wedding was a round of applaud. Mom and Dad had really arrange it well. I'm glad that it went flawlessly. Now, my brother is a married man. I can't really believe it, I mean, he's still my dorky brother after all.

aaaaaaaandddd, the next thing is. I've got my Believe Album. omg yeayerz! its purrrfect! I didn't go to MTV Worldstage tho, I ended up being on my class, studying like ergh, nevermind. other than that, BEAST's comeback was DAHBOOM. I've been waiting like 1 years, its worth the wait okay. Junhyung still looks hot with that purple hair. My baby know me so well, he dyed his hair purple because it is my favorite color *flips hair*

oh oh and. It's not that late to say this. so here it is, bersyukur kehadrat Illahi kerana memanjangkan umur kita semua untuk merasai nikmat bulan Ramadhan pada tahun ini. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, maaf zahir batin :)