Friday, May 20, 2016


So, basically I'm going to UiTM in less than a week which freaks me out every second of my life ever since I got the news.

Although I was actually hoping for UM, but of course I didn't get it. Duh. But, worry not my friends. There's a bunch of people that I know going to UiTM which is a big relieve. Sooooo thankful I have them with me or else I might end up crying alone in the toilet.

The thing is, the result was out on 16th May, and we're supposed to register on the 25th? That short period of time for all the preparation and documents to be print out and just everything. Which was the main cause of my anxiety the past few days. I feel very old not to buy school uniforms anymore. I went to the bank yesterday without my mom, yay me! I can survive on my own now. But of course I had to call Fatin and Anis to drive me there. Thanks, you guys the real mvp.

 Well, I had all documents ready and I'll just have to buy few things. I need to buy new baju kurung and jubah because I've been wearing the same baju kurung for 2 years and I need new ones. Also, I need to add up my collection of tudung bawal and shawls because, why not? Shoes are the a big deal, I just need to wash the old ones and it'll look brand new, no money needed! But I already bought 3 baju kurung with Fatin the other day, right after we got the result, told Anis to drive *again* to AEON Big, the fun part was when the car suddenly died, thank God we already parked! Turned out the car was overheated, thus the panic attack everyone got. So we calmed down and went upstairs to shop and bought some mineral water for Anis's baby. Here's an advice, when your driving instructor explains about the engines and stuff, listen. Or you'll end up like us. Who didn't know which one was the part for the water. A few calls here and there. Everything went well. Kudos again, girls.

Now, my main concern the how many pairs of baju kurung, jubah, jeans, blouse, tshirts do I need to bring? If you ask me how much I brought during my days in SGS, well not many since I use them few times before throwing them in the laundry basket. I might be a bit insecure about my looks since it's not a girl school anymore. And I keep thinking about the size of the locker. Will my clothes fit in there? Should I bring less or more? Should I be cool with it and just bring a few? Or should I just be Qee who would throw everything in the luggage and think about it later on?

Oh, and I bought new comforter just now and it's pink. Kudos Qee! You're finally out of the black emo life you had back than. I even have pink handbag and pink backpack. Isn't life just lovely? I bought pink files too. I think something is wrong with me.

Oh oh! I renewed my IC! Finally! I'm not that ugly fetus anymore. I look decent, almost decent? Well, not that bad. And the passport photos turn out veeeeery well, I'm so happy!

Just kidding, still fetus. 

a very decent photo of me which I reaaaally love this one! the most decent out of all the other passport photos I had before. My chin finally made a comeback after all these years hiding behind my fats. Thank you!

the very excited Qee had jotted down a checklist. 

bought new notebooks from Typo. It's been awhile since the last purchase.

So I told myself, the bottle I had before, the Hello Kitty bottle that I got as a present, was too big and too cartoon-like. But look what I got, very matured choice Qee. Wow, much proud, such matured. The thing is, I had my eyes on the black bottle but I find it too simple for my liking so I took this cute one. Yay Qee!

Thus, that's the end of Qee's rant on whatever Qee wanted to rant about. I'm so excited and nervous for the new phase of life. To come and think about it I can't sleep in the classroom anymore because OMG there's boys. OMG.

Okay, bye.

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