Thursday, April 21, 2016


This beautiful picture over here was captured by one of my batchmate, whom I don't remember which one of them. But yeah, one of them lah.

I miss school, or I miss my friends either way, I miss how fun my life was compared to now. Which consist of me lying flat on my bed in front of this particular lap top watching some kdramas or grey's anatomy and rewatching running man. God, life was so hectic before what happened? So anyways, I have no vivid memories from R1, it was pretty shitty tbvh. Nothing special. Nothing much done. But I miss being in SGS though. I never imagined myself being stuck in boarding school, yet again its all-girls school. What's there to lose? It was fun. A lot of stories I'll tell my grandchildren latuuurrrr.

Have you ever thought of waking up so early in the morning to rush to the shower or else you'll be late? Having to queue for the shower soooooo early in those unearthly hour. I wasn't even half awake by that time. And then rushing to musolla for Subuh prayer and then dashing to breakfast because you're just extremely hungry all the time but realizing the breakfast was the devastating koko krunch or the weird tasting kuey teow, which was the main reason everyone went to the toilet after perhimpunan? Good times.

I miss trying to run away from prefects during perhimpunan because I wasn't wearing kain dalam or scarf or nametag either one but I'm always running away. I miss walking to Frozen or Library. I miss prep time. It's always hectic and loud and everything. There's someone shouting or crying or laughing or sleeping or sick there's just so much happening and it was fun. We'll always say once I step out of this hell, I'll never want to come back here. Lies. I hate this school. Lies. I don't even want to remember anything from here. Lies. What's there to appreciate here? Lies.

Those little lies we told ourselves just to make us feel better about not being home. Don't make me start on the homesickness. Kuala Lumpur and Seremban. It's quite near but I don't even understand myself why am I always sad being away from family. It's not that they didn't come on weekends during lunch. It's not that I can't call them or anything. I even sneak in my phone to school although it is against the rule. But, when are you going to break the rules if it isn't during your school time? Please guys, the spotcheck and everything wasn't really a big deal.

Anyways, I miss my friends. I miss eating during class, sleeping. Telling Kida or Jaja "take 5" but I'll wake up seeing both of them sleeping. Running away from dorm during weekends simply because my idea of studying is to be far away from bed. But right after I came to class I'll gather the chairs and sleep with Kida. Telling Jaja, Kida and Mira that I'll be studying in class after prep but end up sleeping again. Going back to dorm seeing everyone sleeping and only waking up for lunch. Then head out to ampaian, take all the clothes and then dump the clothes on the bed and continue sleeping on the floor or someone's bed.

I miss prep malam, where we'll be in Bilik Bahasa, study group. Eating and trying to sneak food when Cikgu Wan was the warden. Staying there until late night trying to understand those Physics law. Trying to explain things to everyone. Getting scolded by the ones studying at Bilik Sejarah because we're making too much noise. Oh and the best part is going to koop. Buying ice cream and keropok and chocs and muffin and pretty much everything we can but. And we keep asking why are we getting fat instead of losing those fats. The rushing to DM because it's mee hailam night or mihun sup night. The ultimate disgust we have seeing roti pizza or roti kacang for supper.

Being in all-girls school has unfortunately turn me into some shy kid who would walk longer route because she saw a group of boys in front. Or looking for other cashier if it's a male at the counter. Those 2 years of being locked up there pretty much make me nervous around the opposite gender though I've always been a shy girl. Don't puke, guys, I'm not lying. Stop saying I'm lying. I love you guys pls.

Okay whatever, I'll get going. Bye

Oh before that, here's my spam for today.
 sovere(i)gn 1415

 taiks from permai 2

 taiks in makeup
paling annoying

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