Thursday, April 13, 2017


I've been spending my holiday by watching a lot of things on the internet. Recently, I've been watching 'Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners', which I think a pretty entertaining TV show. heh.

So, it started out when I saw Iman Azman's posted about this shows on her instagram and I thought 'hey, why not'. 

So, yeah, I've watching it diligently , not kidding. It's fun. I mean, seeing how opposite kind of people interacting to make things work. Yalls better watch it. So anyways, the show is about these very very obsessive cleaners who spends approximately around 6 hours daily to clean their house. First of all, when I heard, I was like, ok who would have that much time to clean their house daily and yet again, daily, everyday? I would spend 6 hours even weekly.

But yes, these obsessive compulsive cleaners, literally spend 6 hours or more to clean their house and they also used up around 10 bottles to bleach cleaners weekly. It was said that they have the urge to scrub every inch of their house to avoid any germs living on it and they just want their toilet to be clean af so that they can drink water from their toilet bowl. I'm not kidding, they actually did.

They also wouldn't let anyone to use their toilet, saying that they would bring all kind of germs. istg, their toilets are so clean and sparkly. Most of them are OCD diagnosed, and that's why they are doing things repeatedly until it's perfect. 

The saddest part is that, these people who are claimed as OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners) are pretty stressed out about how much money they're spending for bleachers and how less time they're spending their times with their family, mostly said, their children. Some of them claimed that cleaning is therapeutic escape for them. But yeah, this too, connects with their mental health that makes them wanting to cleans from the fear of germs and infections. 

So, this TV Show is about the collaboration of these OCC people with their opposite kind of people, who is the ones who never cleans, at all! Their house is a wreck! A total mess, I cannot understand how they could live like that. Most of them don't have any space to sleep because their house is too full with all the crap that they have. Most of them are hoarders who buys a lot of things from charity events, car boot sales or any kind of sales but never cleans. And, it's pretty disgusting, istg. 

So, these OCC people will spend 4 days trying to help and cleans those houses and at the same time challenging themselves to be less of an OCC person and yknow, overcoming their fear because that's just how life are. And seeing that, it shows that everyone is different. The hoarders said that they kept all those craps because it has their own memories, while the OCC guys said throw it away so that you'll have a lot of space and your house will look more minimalist. And somehow after 4 days, the two of them will come to a closure and discuss among them about whats good and whats bad. 

That's just it. My brother told me that I might have OCD, but i doubt that because I never realy like to keep my stuff neat of to check on things frequently. But that one time, I actually sat quietly in the kitchen after our open house during raya celebration, I was diligently separating utensils according to size, design, types and stacking them neatly and wrapping them and putting it nicely in a box. I also arrange my wardrobe according to colors. okay, maybe not really, but I separate black from anything else, for pants, i separate it from track bottom usually for me, I have pants with lines at the side so I fold it and put it so the lines are visible, that's pretty neat. And another thing I do is, I use coloured hangers according to the type of clothes. maroon for pretty baju kurung moden, jubah, kaftan. blue for normal baju kurung, black for cardigans, varsity, sweaters, and everything else is neatly folded. 

Another thing is I fold my clothes as neatly as possible. I hate how my mom fold my clothes because she's more of the 'asal lipat sudah lah' and I'm more of the 'kena lipat elok elok and all must be in same size'. And in Dengkil, I do spend most of my time cleaning the house because most of them just never really cared of cleaning the house and it's frustrating to see how dirty the toilet is, to see the rubbish all piled up with not a single person willing to throw it out. So. Frus. Trat. Ing

Last, but not the least, I have sensitive sense of smelling. I hate when anything smells bad, be it a human, a room, or anything. If it smells bad and you're on my black list. And I don't understand why people smells bad, especially if their clothes smells 'kepam' like, okay, if my clothes, ever, smells 'kepam' I'd throw it in the washer again! 

And, if you're saying that that person smells bad because the person is a bit on the chubby side. Well, my brothers and I are pretty much on the chubby side but we, undeniably, smells so good you'd want to cuddle us 24/7. And please, take care of your hygiene, and don't wear the same thing for a week, that's just, a total no-no. Wear perfumes, body mist, use deodorant. Don't forget to shave. And just take a good long bath to eliminate all those icky smells.


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