Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Oh wow, phew, I've finally made my comeback my dear fans. Don't worry about me I'm doing fine. I'm pretty sure you lil shits miss me. Okay, Where should I start? What should I start with? There's a lot of things that happened for the past few months but I barely remembered what I did few hours ago. Sucks to be me. Oh, and I just realized the last post was on June and it's already September. And that, my friend, is how fast the time is flying. Seriously.

Okay so, pretty sure everyone has their own class' WhatsApp group aight. So, mine, in one word, I would describe it as, annoying. These people seriously need to get a life and stop chatting 24/7. I mean, okay you guys wanted to chat with ONLY the two of you. BUT WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING NONSENSE IN THE GROUP CHAT OH MY GOD! GODDAMNIT GO PM THAT PERSON LAH WHY ARE YOU TALKING IN THE DAMN GROUP YOU ARSE! I've been giving hints and even directly told them to simply "weh boleh pm tepi kot korang" and yet they took it as a damn joke. No commonsense is it? How would you feel waking up in the morning with your WhatsApp hanging and with 400 messages? from the same chat group? and your battery is draining? and your class starts at 8? gurl? the last message was on 4AM? these people tak tidur ke? what is going on? and when you scroll through the chats and all you can see is nonsense like

"eh aku suka lexus peanut butter." 

"weh malasnya buat tuto"

"korang buatper" 

"aku nak masak maggi" 

"alah aku tak balik pun since raya haritu, tak kecoh pun?" 

"*kecek kelate*" 

"different people, different opinion" 

"*copy paste from group family, you know how makcik makcik dekat group chat is*" 

"*share gambar kucing with stupid caption*" 

"*asking for the nth times about which tuto to do, which one had been discussed, what time class is, is it cancelled, where the class is*"

First of all, I don't shit a shit about you. I don't want to know. I hate these people. Imuted the group for a year the moment I was invited. I hate these people. I know I mentioned it before, but, I hate these people.

and thats my rant for tonight. thank you